Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bobcat Pride - Homecoming 2013

Homecoming is one of the busiest weekends on Ohio University's campus.
Alumni, students, and parents flood the streets uptown for a weekend of excitement. 
The pride that swells throughout Ohio University is overwhelming,
and I am just glad to be a part of it.

This year, I started my Homecoming weekend off with the annual parade, 
followed by the football game at 2pm. 

Here are some pictures of the Marching 110, the Alumni band, 
and the spectacle that is 
Homecoming at OU.

The Post is a must on Homecoming weekend.

The Marching 110 doing their thing, as always.

The Alumni drum-line marched down Court Street with bobcat pride.

The Alumni band fills the street while people look on in amazement.

Katie and I enjoying the parade.
We had a prime location spot on the sidewalk across from Scripps.

Enjoying the crowd and parade candy... and standing in the middle of Court Street without getting run over.

The Marching 110 should be exhausted at this point in the day,
but they never show it.

Their performance is exhilarating as always.

The girls!
Rounded out the weekend with a trip to a pumpkin patch.
It is October after all.

Mary and I as sunflowers. Need I say more?

Reppin' the Gold Family Farm

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chasing the Sun

Listen to this while you read! 

So obviously, I've been neglecting you guys.
...but I'M BACK!!! 

Things have been hectic as ever, 
but I'm back at OU for a second go round - Year Two baby!!! 

Here's what I've been doing since August!

1. Finished up "Sparky...From Chicago", 
the play I was in this summer at the Victorian Players in Youngstown.

Had a blast playing Candy Barr!

2. Said "see you later" to my best friend 

3. Came back two weeks early for RA training, met my wonderful staff 
and had a fantastic beginning to sophomore year.

4. Reunited with old friends and made lots of new ones!

Our PSP family is growing!

My little!!

Fun with one of my residents!

5. Exciting events...

My grandparents came all the way from Arizona to visit!

Back to the Athens County Dog Shelter! 

Pawpaw Festival

A giant pawpaw!!!

Parents Weekend!

Excursion to Columbus with Katie!

Wearing vintage!
The dress was my Aunt Bea's in the 50's.

Knucks, the Read-Johnson Scholars Complex mascot.
New clothes of course!

(yes, I just used a hashtag on Blogger...deal.)

Copyright Jordyn Humphrey 2013

Let's see what happens from here!
I promise no more being left in the dark!

<3 Camille Rose